Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Gov. Aliyu Has A Message For PDP Members, SEE What He Said

Governor Babangida Aliyu of Niger State has warned members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state who are desperate to win elections in 2015 without working to defect to alternative political parties.
According to him, to win election, you must be willing to serve the people.
He said, “If you want to win election, you must serve the people and those of you in the PDP, who want to win election by all means without working, should defect to other parties.”
Aliyu, made this known on Tuesday at Government House, Minna, while signing into law the 2014 appropriation bill of over N98.8bn for 2014.
He called on the National and state assemblies to regularly scrutinise the MDA’s and Commissioners, while also faulting the National and state assemblies for blaming the executive arm for lack of budget implementation at the end of the year.
He added that the lawmakers should be able to invite the executive to explain the reasons for the non implementation of any project captured in the budget and check the excesses of the executive.
Aliyu said, “Nigerlites should hold me responsible if I fail in my responsibilities. I urge the National and state assemblies to regularly scrutinise the MDA’s and commissioners who are saddled with the responsibilities of budget implementation”.
READ MORE:  http://news.naij.com/55508.html

Check Out President Jonathan’s New Year Message To The Nation

President Goodluck Jonathan has sent a New Year message to the people of Nigeria.
DECEMBER 31, 2013
Dear Compatriots,
I greet and felicitate with you all as we enter the year 2014 which promises to be a momentous one for our country for several reasons, including the fact that it is also the year of our great nation’s centenary celebrations. I join you all in giving thanks to God Almighty for guiding us and our beloved nation safely through all the challenges of the outgoing year to the beginning of 2014.
Exactly 100 years ago today, on January 1, 1914, the British Colonial authorities amalgamated what was then the separate Protectorates of Southern Nigeria and Northern Nigeria, giving birth to the single geopolitical entity known as Nigeria. For us therefore, today is not just the beginning of a new year, but the end of a century of national existence and the beginning of another. It is a moment for sober reflection and for pride in all that is great about Nigeria.
Whatever challenges we may have faced, whatever storms we may have confronted and survived, Nigeria remains a truly blessed country, a country of gifted men and women who continue to distinguish themselves in all spheres of life, a country whose diversity remains a source of strength. We pay tribute today, as always to our founding fathers and mothers, and all the heroes and heroines whose toil and sweat over the century made this country what it is today.
As I noted, a few days ago, the amalgamation of 1914 was certainly not a mistake but a blessing. As we celebrate 100 years of nationhood, we must resolve to continue to work together as one, united people, to make our country even greater.
I assure you that our administration remains fully committed to the progressive development of our country and the consolidation of peace, unity and democratic governance in our fatherland. Despite several continuing domestic and global challenges, for us in Nigeria, the year 2013 witnessed many positive developments which we will strive to build upon in 2014.
We have diligently carried forward the purposeful and focused implementation of our agenda for national transformation in priority areas such as power, the rehabilitation and expansion of national infrastructure, agricultural development, education and employment generation.
You may recall that our 2013 Budget was on the theme, “Fiscal Consolidation with Inclusive Growth”, and I emphasized the need for us to “remain prudent with our fiscal resources and also ensure that the Nigerian economy keeps growing and creating jobs”. I am pleased to report that we have stayed focused on this goal.
Our national budget for 2014 which is now before the National Assembly is specifically targeted at job creation and inclusive growth. We are keenly aware that in spite of the estimated 1.6 million new jobs created across the country in the past 12 months as a result of our actions and policies, more jobs are still needed to support our growing population. Our economic priorities will be stability and equitable growth, building on the diverse sectors of our economy.
In 2013, we commenced implementation of the National Industrial Revolution Plan (NIRP) aimed at industrializing Nigeria and diversifying our economy into sectors such as agro-processing, light manufacturing, and petrochemicals. We have also negotiated a strong Common External Tariff (CET) agreement with our ECOWAS partners which would enable us to protect our strategic industries where necessary.
I am pleased to note that as a result of our backward integration policies, Nigeria has moved from a country that produced 2 million metric tonnes of cement in 2002, to a country that now has a capacity of 28.5 million metric tonnes. For the first time in our history, we have moved from being a net importer of cement to a net exporter. Foreign direct investment into Nigeria has also been strong. In fact, for the second year running, the UN Conference on Trade and Development has named Nigeria as the number 1 destination for investments in Africa.
We are witnessing a revolution in the agricultural sector and the results are evident. We have tackled corruption in the input distribution system as many farmers now obtain their fertilizers and seeds directly through an e-wallet system. In 2013, 4.2 million farmers received subsidized inputs via this programme. This scheme has restored dignity to our farmers.
Last year we produced over 8 million metric tonnes of additional food; and this year, inflation fell to its lowest level since 2008 partly due to higher domestic food production. Our food import bill has also reduced from N1.1 trillion in 2011, to N648 billion in 2012, placing Nigeria firmly on the path to food self-sufficiency.
The sector is also supporting more jobs. Last year, we produced 1.1 million metric tonnes of dry season rice across 10 Northern states; and over 250,000 farmers and youths in these States are now profitably engaged in farming even during the dry season.
This Administration is also developing our water resources which are key for both our food production and job creation goals. In 2013, we completed the construction of nine dams which increased the volume of our water reservoirs by 422 million cubic metres. Through our irrigation and drainage programme, we have increased the total irrigated area by over 31,000 hectares creating jobs for over 75,000 farming families while increasing production of over 400,000 metric tons of assorted irrigated food products.
Fellow Compatriots, I have always believed that the single greatest thing we can do to ensure all Nigerians realize their potential and play a full part in our nation’s future, is to invest in education. The education of our young people is a key priority for this Government. We take this responsibility very seriously and I urge all other stakeholders in the sector to recognize the national importance of their work, and to help advance the cause of education in our nation.
Between 2007 and 2013, we have almost tripled the allocation for education from N224 billion to N634 billion – and we will continue to vigorously support the sector. We have improved access to education in the country with the construction of 125 Almajiri schools, and the establishment of three additional Federal Universities in the North, bringing to twelve, the number of universities established by this administration.
In 2013, we rehabilitated 352 laboratories and constructed 72 new libraries in the Federal Unity Schools; and also rehabilitated laboratories of all the 51 Federal and State polytechnics across the country.
In the Health sector, we are building strong safety nets and improving access to primary health care under the Saving One Million Lives programme. In 2013, we recruited 11,300 frontline health workers who were deployed to under-served communities across the country. Over 400,000 lives have been saved through our various interventions. We have reached over 10,000 women and children with conditional cash transfer programmes across 8 States and the FCT and we intend to scale up this successful initiative.
Our national immunization coverage has exceeded 80%. And for the first time in the history of the country there has not been any transmission of the Type-3 Wild Polio virus for more than one year. We have also eradicated the guinea worm that previously affected the lives of over 800,000 Nigerians yearly. In tertiary health care, we upgraded medical facilities across the country. Two of our teaching hospitals – the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital in Enugu, and the University College Hospital in Ibadan – commenced open heart surgeries this year after the installation of new facilities.
Fellow Nigerians, I have dwelt on some of our administration’s achievements in 2013 to reassure you that we are working and results are being achieved on the ground. As we enter our Centennial year, there is still much work ahead. We are determined to sustain our strong macroeconomic fundamentals, to strengthen our domestic institutions, and to invest in priority sectors. These investments will create more jobs for our youth. Government will at the same time, continue to scale-up investments in safety nets and the MDGs to take care of the poor and the vulnerable so that they too can share in our growth and prosperity.
In 2014, we will continue to prioritize investments in key sectors such as infrastructure development, power, roads, rail transportation and aviation. In the past year, the Federal Government completed the privatization of four power generation companies and 10 power distribution companies. We are also in the process of privatizing 10 power plants under the National Integrated Power Projects (NIPP).
We shall boost investments in transmission to ensure power generated is properly evacuated and distributed. In this regard, we have already mobilized an additional $1.5 billion for the upgrade of the transmission network in 2014 and beyond. Government will also strengthen regulation of the sector, and closely monitor electricity delivery to increase this beyond 18 hours per day. We will complete the privatization of the NIPP projects, accelerate work on our gas pipeline infrastructure and also continue to invest in hydro-electric power and clean energy as we monitor the effects of climate change on our economy.
Our administration believes that the cost of governance in the country is still too high and must be further reduced. We will also take additional steps to stem the tide of corruption and leakages. We have worked hard to curb fraud in the administration of the pension system and the implementation of the petroleum subsidy scheme. We have introduced a Pensions Transition Arrangement Department under a new Director-General. This department will now ensure that those of our pensioners still under the old scheme receive their pensions and gratuities, and are not subjected to fraud. Prosecution of all those involved in robbing our retired people will continue. The Petroleum Subsidy Scheme is also now being operated under new strict guidelines to tackle previous leakages in the scheme and prevent fraud.
Foreign travel by government personnel will be further curtailed. This directive shall apply to all Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government. Our strategy to curb leakages will increasingly rely on introducing the right technologies such as biometrics and digitizing government payments.
I am therefore pleased to inform you that we shall complete the deployment of the three electronic platforms in 2014 – namely, the Treasury Single Account (TSA), the Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS) and the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) – which are all geared towards improving efficiency and transparency in our public finances. Through these reforms, we have already saved about N126 billion in leaked funds and intend to save more.
To sustain Nigeria’s ongoing agricultural transformation, we have planned further investments in the sector. We will provide input subsidies to five million farmers nationwide using the e-wallet system. This Administration recently launched a self-employment initiative under the Youth Employment in Agriculture Programme (YEAP), called the Nagropreneur programme. This scheme would encourage our youth to go into commercial agriculture as entrepreneurs and we plan to develop over 750,000 young Nagropreneurs by 2015.
We will also establish new agro-industrial clusters to complement the staple crop processing zones being developed across the country. In 2014, this Administration will continue to work with the private sector to improve financing in the agricultural sector. For example, we will launch the Fund for Agricultural Finance in Nigeria (FAFIN) which will serve as a private equity fund to invest in agri-businesses across the country.
Our Small and Medium scale enterprises (SMEs) will be the bedrock of Nigeria’s industrialization. We have about 17 million registered SMEs, and they employ over 32 million Nigerians. When our SMEs grow, more jobs will be created for our youth. Therefore, in 2014, this Administration will focus strongly on implementing the Nigeria Enterprise Development Programme (NEDEP) to address the needs of small businesses. Our interventions will include helping SMEs with access to affordable finance, business development services, and youth training. In addition, our new CET policies will enable us to support our emerging industries.
We will also intensify our investment promotion efforts abroad, to ensure we bring the biggest and best companies from around the world to invest in Nigeria.
Dear Compatriots, the housing and construction industry is a critical sector in most developed economies. When the housing sector booms, it creates additional jobs for architects and masons, for electricians and plumbers, for painters and interior decorators, and for those in the cement and furniture industries.
Today, I am pleased to inform you that this Administration is reinvigorating our housing and construction sector. We have established the Nigeria Mortgage Refinance Company (NMRC) which will increase liquidity in the housing sector, provide a secondary market for mortgages, and thereby increase the number of people able to purchase or build homes at an affordable price in the country.
In 2014, we will work in a number of pilot states where the State Governors have agreed to provide fast-track land titles, foreclosure arrangements, and serviced plots. This new institution will enable us to create over 200,000 mortgages over the next five years at affordable interest rates. In addition, those at the lower end of the economic ladder will not be left behind as this new initiative will expand mass housing schemes through a re-structured Federal Mortgage Bank and other institutions to provide rent-to-own and lease-to-own options. I am confident that very soon, many more hardworking Nigerian families will be able to realize their dream of owning a home.
In this our centenary year, we will continue our efforts, through the Saving One Million Lives initiative to strengthen primary health care services. We will scale up interventions in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, nutrition, routine immunization, HIV/AIDS, malaria elimination, tuberculosis, neglected tropical diseases, and non-communicable diseases. We will pay greater attention to the provision of universal health coverage. Besides the implementation of new initiatives such as my comprehensive response plan for HIV/AIDS, we shall continue to collaborate with global health partners to deliver our health sector transformation agenda.
I am glad that the issues responsible for the long-drawn ASUU strike have been resolved and our children are returning to their campuses. We are committed to making our tertiary institutions true centers of learning for our young people. We will therefore focus on upgrading hostels, laboratories, classrooms, and halls. As the 2015 deadline for the Millennium Development Goals approaches, we will continue to expand access to basic education for all Nigerian children. Working with State Governments, we shall decisively tackle the problem of the large numbers of out-of-school children in this country. We will also invest in technical and vocational education to promote skills development for our youth across the country.
Nigerian entrepreneurs still lack access to affordable financing, with medium-to-long-term tenors. To address this gap, a new wholesale development finance institution will be established in 2014 to provide medium-to long-term financing for Nigerian businesses. We are working with partners such as the World Bank, the Africa Development Bank, the BNDES Bank in Brazil, and KfW in Germany, to realize this project. Our existing Bank of Agriculture and Bank of Industry will be re-structured as specialized institutions to retail financing from this new wholesale development bank.
In addition to the foregoing, our administration will also do all within its powers to ensure the success of the forthcoming National Conference. The report of the Presidential Advisory Committee on the Conference is undergoing urgent review and the approved structure, guidelines and modalities for the conference will soon be published as a prelude to its commencement and expeditious conclusion.It remains our sincere hope and expectation that the success of the national conference will further enhance national unity, peace and cohesion as we move ahead to the 2015 general elections.
In keeping with our avowed commitment to progressively enhancing the credibility of Nigeria’s electoral process by consistently upholding the principle of one man, one vote, our Administration will also ensure that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) receives all required support to ensure that it is adequately prepared for the next general elections.
As peace and security remain prerequisite conditions for the full realization of our objectives, we will also do more in 2014 to further empower our security agencies who are working in collaborative partnerships with our friends in the international community to stem the scourge of terrorism in our country and enhance the security of lives and property in all parts of Nigeria. The allocation of over N600 Billion to Defence and Policing in the 2014 Budget attests to this commitment.
Fellow compatriots, the task of making our dear nation a much better place for present and future generations cannot be left to government alone. I therefore urge you all to be ready and willing to do more this year to support the implementation of the Federal Government’s Agenda for National Transformation in every possible way.
Let us all therefore resolve as we celebrate the new year, and Nigeria’s Centenary, to place the higher interests of national unity, peace, stability and progress above all other considerations and work harder in our particular fields of human endeavour to contribute more significantly to the attainment of our collective aspirations. I urge all Nigerians, no matter their stations in life, to rededicate themselves to contributing meaningfully to further enrich our national heritage. The time for that re-dedication is now, not tomorrow.
I wish you all a happy and rewarding 2014. God bless Nigeria. Happy New Year.
READ MORE:  http://news.naij.com/55509.html

PHOTOS:Popular Gospel Singer, Lanre Teriba Atorise Marries Pregnant Lover

According to reports, popular gospel singer, Lanre Teriba aka Atorise, recently tied the knots with his lover Folashade Ademosu.
Teriba reportedly married his already pregnant bride on Sunday, December 30.

The The marriage introduction held at Folashade’s family house, Ikotun Egbe Lagos.
This is Teriba's first marriage although he is rumoured to already have 5 kids with different women.
Check out photos of the bride below;

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Oduah To Spend N800m On Vehicles

Nigeria’s embattled Aviation Minister, Princess Stella Oduah, will spend at least N800 million on vehicles in 2014, after splashing N643 million on 54 vehicles in 2013, her budget proposal shows.
The budget proposal, obtained by P.M.NEWS, shows that Oduah will spend N250 million on eight operational vehicles for the Accident Investigation Bureau, AIB, a small agency of the ministry with personnel cost estimated at N150 million yearly.
The budget provision shows each vehicle will cost N30.125million. Many of the SUV brands available in the Nigerian market sell between N5m and N15m.
The minister, who appears to be a car freak will also shell another N500 million to buy a truck for the agency.
And in her main ministry, She will spend another N50 million on staff buses.
The budget proposal shows that the Ministry of Aviation will spend over N137 million on foreign trips.
Oduah will also spend N100 million on her controversial Aerotropolis Consultants, the city-airports she claims Nigeria desperately needs.
She will then spend another N20 million on other types of consultancies and another N425 million on consultancy of institutional reforms, legal services and commercial.
General consulting and professional services for the Nigerian Meteorological Agency will gulp over N8 million.
On airport internal access roads, Oduah would spend N200 million and another N100 million on Bilateral Air Services Agreements. She will also spend N100 million on security gateways on express roads.
The budget proposal shows that Oduah will also spend N100 million on airport toll gates and another N100 million to paint and repair runways.
Oduah will also equally N820 million on the maintenance agreement for the TRACON support services.
The Ministry of Aviation will spend over N13 million on refreshment and meals and another N9 on publicity.
In all the ministry has earmarked N26 billion for capital expenditure, N18 billion out of which will go into her pet project of ‘remodelling the country’s airports’.
Outside of this, she also plans to spend N250 million to plant flowers in the country’s main airports in Port Harcourt, Lagos, Abuja, Kano and Enugu.
Her recurrent budget is estimated at N6 billion making the total budget of the ministry to be N32.3 billion.
READ MORE:  http://news.naij.com/55507.html

8 New Word We Learnt In 2013

From OMG to LOL, YOLO to swag, words that became popular thanks to their unabashed use and abuse in our daily lives. Now, these words are officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary every year.
And though 'selfie' was the word of the year, there are 8 other words that created quite a buzz in 2013. We round off each of them with a proper description below.

1) Twerk: which essentially describes a provocativehip-thrusting dance, has been around for years. But, ever since teen pop singer Miley Cyrus twerked at the MTV Video Music Awards this August, in a controversial performance, the word became the most searched darling of the pop culture.

2) Selfie: Oxford Word of the Year - selfie is a self-portrait typically snapped using a smartphone and shared on a social networking site. Acting as a fuel to our already narcissistic lives, selfies not only inspiredcountless celebrities and news stories but modern day museum exhibits as well.

3) Emoji: comes from the Japanese words for picture (e) and character (moji), dates as far back as 1990's but was only recently included in the online dictionary of Oxford. Simple smileys using the symbols and parenthesis available in our phones were replaced by bizarre, silly and complicated emoticons recently. They increasingly dominate our text conversations and are known as emojis.

4) Binge-watch: When digital streaming serviceNetflix released entire seasons of new shows all at once, our favourite pastime hit a milestone. The viewers indulged themselves in binge-watch - meaning they saw their favourite TV series in a marathon- episode after episode rather than waiting the week for a next instalment.

5) Bitcoin: Bitcoin brokers and marketplaces made headlines throughout the year. Known as the digital currency in which transactions can be performed without the need for a central bank, Bitcoin's volatility andregulation was questioned especially between March and May earlier in the year, which may be due to the market crash around that time.

6) Schmeat: Oxford states that Schmeat is a form of meat produced synthetically from biological tissue. In August this year, the world's first hamburger made with schmeat was served up by Dutch scientists. And, though the concept is still in its infancy, there is a possibility that it will catch on in the near future. So, next time you visit your nearby supermarket, keep an eye for schmeat!

7) Meme: Essentially explained as a virally-transmitted cultural symbol or a social idea, memes (rhymes with team) can be anything ranging from a joke, a story, pictures or a quirky figure of speech that travels faster than the breaking news.

8) FOMO: Considered as the evil cousin of YOLO (You Live Only Once), FOMO stands for fear of missing out, is actually a pop-culture derived social anxiety or fear you feel that you will miss out on something huge if you don't do participate in an event. Remember theparty that you attended last night despite being sickly tired, yes that was because of FOMO.

PHOTOS: You'll Not Believe What Happened To This 19-Year-Old Girl After She Aborted Her Baby

A 19-year-old girl, Shannon Skinner got the shock of her life when she realized she was still pregnant three months after she had an abortion.

Shannon had taken abortion pills when she was eight weeks pregnant but in a rare occurrence, the procedure failed and she continued having morning sickness and feeling movements in her womb. Tests later revealed that the baby had miraculously survived the abortion.

According to Shannon who also has a nine-month-old daughter, Lacie, "We thought she had gone. I had grieved for that baby and we'd just managed to get our heads around it.
"Anthony and I felt like we'd made the right decision because we were having problems and we didn't think it was right to bring a baby into that. I'd always been one of those people that was against abortions and hated them but I was suffering with post-natal depression."
She added, "We've now decided to keep the baby, as we don't feel it's right to have an abortion at this stage. She's obviously a little fighter, and we don't want to cause her any more harm.
 Scans have since shown that her baby looks physically fine and she is due to be born on May 7.
READ MORE:  http://news.naij.com/55506.html

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Pics: 2face Idibia rings closing bell for the Nigerian Stock Exchange

Oh thats cool...

Aliko Dangote joins Twitter, gets verified even with no tweet

Africa's richest man Aliko Dangote has joined Twitter. And with no tweets yet, he's already verified. And within hours of joining, he's already had over 1,200 followers. Here's welcoming him to social media...

Raise your glasses by Dbanj (Official Henessy Artistry 2013 Music Video)

Hmm..not so new i guess..lol

New song:This is Love by Ned

New Song:The monster ft Rihanna by Eminem

New Song:Feel Good by Robin Thicke

New Songs!

PROUD MOTHER: AGN President, Ibinabo Fiberesima Shares Photos Of Her Adorable Kids (PHOTOS)

AGN President Nollywood actress and the President of the Actors’ Guild of Nigeria, Ibinabo Fiberesima has shared photos of her kids.

The mother of 5 is all smiles as she is seen sitting down next to her daughter and 4sons.

READ MORE:  http://news.naij.com/55501.html

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Divorces That Rocked Nigeria In 2013...

Many Nigerian celebrities are considered unlucky with relationships. Many of the unions crash on allegations of battering and infidelity
 1. Funke Akindele and Kehinde Oloyede.
READ MORE:  http://news.naij.com/55442.html

After a one year marriage, Nollywood actress and celebrity, Funke Akindele, popularly known as Jenifa, has admitted a break-up announced by her husband, Kehinde Oloyede.
“…We want to formally inform you that after due consultation and consideration, she’s now separated from Mr. Kehinde Oloyede as his wife,” Ayo Ola-Muhammed, her publicist, announced in an official statement.
2. Sen. Ahmed Yerima and 17-year-old Marian
 Three years after marrying a 14-year-old Egyptian girl named Marian, former Zamfara state governor and serving senator of the federal republic of Nigeria, Sen. Ahmed Yerima, has divorced her to marry a 15-year-old girl.
 3. Stella Damasus and Emeka Nzeribe
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 Nollywood actress, Stella Damasus decided to marry her third husband without properly divorcing the second one. And as a consequence her second husband Emeka Nzeribe wanted to sue her.
 4. Chika Ike and Tony Eberiri
Actress Chika Ike married Tony Eberiri in 2006 but the marriage packed up a few years later. Two months after filing for divorce, a high court in Abuja in July 26th granted the actress a divorce.
5. Dino Melaye and Tokunbo Melaye
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Former Kogi State House of Reps member, Dino Melaye was accused, in the divorce suit, of emotion/physical abuse and infidelity. The drama between the couple started long ago, a source said Dino Melaye’s anger problem surfaced when he impregnated Nollywood actress Bisi Ibidapo Obe.
6. Michael Prest and his English wife Yasmin

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Nigerian oil tycoon Michael Prest has lost a legal battle with his estranged English wife Yasmin over a £17.5m divorce settlement. Married in 1993, they spent most of their time in London, had properties in Nigeria and the Caribbean and lived to a "very high standard".
7. Mike Abdul and Vivien Stephen Eva
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Gospel Singer Mike Abdul has separated from his wife, another Gospel singer who is known as Monique, several months ago. Below is what Vivien wrote on her facebook page:
"A lie can travel half way around the world, while the truth is still putting on its shoes, by the time the lie is wayyyyyyyyy TIRED the truth catches UP!!! I Live, I Love, I Smile, I Hurt, I Pray, I Hope, I Believe, I Try, I Cry, I Conquer but most of all.. I am unapologetically A WOMAN."
8. Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom

Though they are not Nigerians, their relationship was closely observed in Nigeria. 29-year-old Khloe married an American professional basketball forward, Lamar Odom in 2009, but in 2013 the Kardashian sister filed for divorce.
Bonus: Governor of Rivers State Rotimi Amaechi and Dame Judith Amaechi

Rotimi Amaechi has said that no blackmail can separate him from his beloved wife, Dame Judith Amaechi.
He said, “I thank God for his moment and also thank you for gathering here. I also thank my dear wife for his kindness and love towards me. She had told me that, she was waiting for my last son to come on vacation with her from overseas, and she will soon come back to Nigeria. I thank my wife because in all my endeavours, she is the only one that brings me joy. This is so because, if I have any problem and tell her, she prays with me and even ask me to put my hand on my head, and she will call upon God to intervene in that matter. So, I thank her in absentia. I told you how she used to impress me, because she is a wonderful wife when it comes to loving her husband and she cares about me. I have told my children that, my wife comes first before them, I love my wife. I thank her and also wish her God blessings”.
Well..there they re!

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PHOTO: Nollywood Actress, Ebube Nwagbo Flaunts Hot Legs

Nollywood actress, Ebube Nwagbo shared a photo of herself flaunting her hot legs in bum short.
She knows she got it and is proud to show it off.
READ MORE:  http://news.naij.com/55500.html

What do y'all think about her outfit?

Dwyane Wade Confirms He Fathered a Son During "Break" With Gabrielle Union …

Dwayne Wade has nothing to hide. The Miami Heat guard confirmed reports that he fathered a son outside of his relationship with Gabrielle Union during a press conference on Monday, Dec. 30.
"I had a time, a part in our break, in our pain and our hurt, a blessing came out of it in my life, having a son that was born healthy," Wade, 31, said of his relationship with Union, 41. "So I'm moving on."
The press conference took place prior to the Heat's game against the Denver Nuggets at the Pepsi Center, just hours after Wade's baby news made waves online. "I'm in the public eye, so obviously that's a part of it," Wade said of his son's birth making headlines. "It comes with the territory."
Wade has primary custody of sons Zaire, 11, and Zion, 6, from his previous marriage to Siohvaughn Funches; he is also raising a nephew at his Florida home. He proposed to Union just before Christmas.
The athlete said it's important to "always focus on what's most important to me and my family, and that's being a great father. I've always tried to show my importance in my kids' lives and it doesn't change now. So, I, my lady and my family have continued to move forward, and I think that's evident with the ring and the proposal that I gave her, with our lives."
Think Like a Man star Union—who appears to be on vacation, per her social media accounts—has yet to publicly address her fiancé's baby news. Reps for the stars have not returned requests for comment.
In September, Wade opened up about his break from Union on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno. "Celebrity relationships [are] very hard," he admitted. "This was a big year for us and our relationship from the standpoint of she was shooting her show Being Mary Jane, going most of the year. I was dealing with my injuries, trying to win a championship, so we kinda took a step back."
"We supported each other," the baller continued, "but at the end of the day we came back together and [said], 'Listen, we want to continue this, we want to continue to try to get better each day,' and she's been with me, and I've been with her all summer long. We're going strong now."

She's Gotta Man! Rapper Eve reveals engagement to designer Maximillion Cooper by flashing HUGE ring on Instagram!

Eve got an extra special Christmas present this year when her longtime boyfriend popped the question.
The 35-year-old musician is engaged to British designer and Gumball 3000 founder Maximillion Cooper after he put a ring on her finger on Christmas Day, her representative confirmed to E! News.
In an Instagram picture posted on Monday, the rapper - born Eve Jihan Jeffers - sits between her mother and little brother and a huge ring is visible on her left hand.
Congrats to her!

PHOTO: Meet Singers Tunde And Wunmi Obe’s Lovely Kids...

The lovely kids posed for a photo with whom they described as their favourite Nollywood actress – Funke Akindele.
Very chubby and cute kids are Modesayo, Ricardo, and Andrew.
READ MORE:  http://news.naij.com/55388.html

WOW: Check Out Yvonne Nelson's Stunning Outfit (PHOTO)

Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Nelson is one fashionata and she does not fail to represent each time she steps out for an event.
Yvonne stepped out looking stunning in her black jumpsuit she wore to Ghana Movie Awards held last night.
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2013 MTV artists of the year!

Miley Cyrus burst in to 2013 like a "Wrecking Ball," declaring her independence from Hannah Montana and dominating the pop culture landscape. Her album "Bangerz" taught America how to twerk while her videos broke records. All hail the new Queen of Pop.

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis continued to catapult their 2012 album "The Heist" through 2013. "Thrift Shop" and "Can't Hold Us" kept everyone dancing while "Same Love" created conversation among music lovers of all ages. The duo rounded out the year with a world tour of epic high-energy shows.
 Justin Timberlake returned to the radio with a bang this year. The R&B star topped the charts twice in 2013 - both "The 20/20 Experience - Part 1" and "Part 2" hit big on the Billboard. But our favorite moment? The *NSYNC reunion that his MTV Video Vanguard award helped to make happen.
 2013 was truly "Yeezus" Season. Kanye West's minimalist and experimental album by that name was followed by an eye-popping accompanying tour. Outside of the studio, West made headlines with the birth of his first child; he welcomed daughter North West with his now-fiancé Kim Kardashian.
 Three years after their formation, One Direction are still going strong. With a new album, "Midnight Memories," and their 3-D biopic, "1D: This Is Us," the boys are ready for world domination.
 Katy Perry roared her way through 2013. Her album "Prism" debuted at #1, her singles "Roar" and "Unconditionally" have been unavoidable on radio, and her voice as Smurfette in "The Smurfs 2" totally "blue" our minds.
 Drake's highly anticipated third album, "Nothing Was The Same," went platinum in just over a month. The lead single, "Started From The Bottom," spawned a million memes while "Hold On We're Going Home" won over a million hearts.
 After releasing his hit-spawning album "Unorthodox Jukebox" at the end of 2012, Bruno Mars serenaded overseas on his year-long tour, while managing to pick up a handful of awards at both the MTV VMAs & EMA, as well.
Lorde, the 17 year old New Zealand-born songstress, burst on to the scene in 2013 with her #1 hit "Royals." Hardly a one hit wonder, her debut record, "Pure Heroine," recently earned her a Grammy nomination for Best Pop Solo Performance. 
 Lady Gaga's 2013 album "ARTPOP" spawned a clap-happy number one single, much-talked-about collaborative projects with artists like Jeff Koons and Mariana Abramovic, and a movement of Little Monsters everywhere.

PHOTOS: Rapper Alabai Shows Sexy Body In Pool Photoshoot 31 December, 2013 Arts and Entertainment Singer, rapper and founding member of defunct hip hop group, Def O Clan, Alabai posted these hot pool photos on his instagram page earlier today.

Well Well Well!

Nigerian Comedian of the year 2013 goes to.....

Comedy in Nigeria has grown in leaps and bounds thanks to the veterans as well as the new comedians.
2013 was definitely a year of comedy and so let's decide. Who is your favorite comedian 2013.These are a list of comedians I feel are contenders......
Basket mouth
I go dye
Seyi Law
Klint da Drunk
Gbenga Adeyinka

My best goes to Bovi...hosted his own successful one man comedy show,his skits are everywhere and he's hosted top events this year with international acts like Wyclef..Also listed by Charles Novia as one of Nigeria's Best actors 2013...

LOVE IN THE AIR: 'Thanks For Showing Me Love' - Toyin Aimakhu Shares New Photos Of Herself & Husband 31 December, 2013 Arts and Entertainment Yoruba actress, Toyin Aimakhu-Johnson has shared photos of herself and husband after posting earlier angry tweets about another actress trying to tarnish her image and marriage.

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he actress has since deleted her tweets and thanked her fans for their advice and a promise to be a better person.